This series is a recreation of horror movie archetypes specifically as they apply to women and girls in horror. Horror is one of the most women heavy genres, but their presence is typically accompanied by sexism, wether they're demonized for their sexuality or "fridged" to fuel a man's pain. The archetypes depicted are: The One That Deserves to Die, The Defenseless Victim, The Girl Gone Mad, The Final Girl, and Femininity as the Monster.
but this is how it is
TW: Death and Illness
Unfortunately, this year was very hard for me. My father passed away unexpectedly from cancer, and it really deep-sixed my creativity and lust for life for a time. My series represents the complicated emotions I’ve been feeling that are hard to verbalize. It’s not intended to be super depressing or an appeal for pity, but more a visual understanding.The title for my series comes from a poem by Fortesa Latifi: 
all my grief says the same thing –
this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.
this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.
and the world laughs,
holds my hope by the throat,
but this is how it is.
Two interpretations of the seasons as the elements (fire = winter, earth = spring, water = summer, and air = fall) and in myself (in order winter, spring, summer, fall)
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